men's skincare movement

Men’s Skincare Moment: How Has It Evolved?

Jasmine Wicks Stephens
It’s no surprise that the pandemic is a driving force in shaking up male grooming, but what do men really want from their skincare?

Male grooming is more or a less a phenomenon, but with stigmas around wanting to better yourself being a thing of the past – there’s no stopping this self-care boom.

If you haven’t noticed this steady increase in male beauty in general, just take a look at how retailers are performing. Last month an online store reported a 300% growth in the men’s skincare market in the last six months of 2020, compared with the same time period in 2019.

In no time at all it’s become acceptable for men to spend money for better skin health and to improve their overall appearance – beyond barbershop treatments.

And it all began with social media’s camera-ready moments that led to this change, but as more information came out about external aggressors like pollution and stress taking care of our skin became more relevant.

But overall, it’s meant to feel you good from the inside and out – building confidence in the long run. Here are three things that really matter in men’s skincare.

Flawless for Digital Life

When are we not on a video call nowadays? Since the onset of the pandemic there has been a massive spike in using these types of apps for everything. It’s embedded in us to speak to anyone and everyone like this – from colleagues to friends and future love interests.

There is no such thing as simply having oily, dry or combination skin for men – they have their own afflictions.

But the truth is when you’re up close and personal with so many people they’re bound to notice if you’re well groomed or not. We all have our own set of video hacks, but sometimes filters don’t make the cut. So, having skincare that protects from blue-light, creates an effortless glow and makes you look awake is the perfect combination.

Self-Care Counts

When you think of how men are programmed to think about self-care, they’re really not known for investing time in themselves traditionally. They also tend to hold their emotions back and carry on as usual because it’s the way many cultures have raised them. But with mental health at the forefront during the pandemic, lockdown restrictions have really started affect all of us.

It’s only natural to add mindful elements into taking time out for yourself and the best way is with skincare. Whether it’s a face mask that forces you to do nothing but relax or a little aromatherapy boost to force the mind to stop racing.

Give Me Solutions

There is no such thing as simply having oily, dry or combination skin for men – they have their own afflictions. Shaving aggregated bumps, clogged pores and thicker skin are just some top concerns.

When men search for products they tend to care more about how they can work out any issues immediately with clear instructions. It’s not about which packaging is the prettiest, but rather whose message is the clearest.

Disha Daswaney @disha_daswaney

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